Selasa, 24 September 2019

Relativitas Moral Dalam Bisnis

  • Teori dan Prinsip-Prinsip Hak Asasi Manusia

    teori dan 8 prinsip2 HAM.
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  • Sir Martin Rees: Earth in its final century? In a taut soliloquy that takes us from the origins of the universe to the last days of a dying sun 6 billion years later, renowned cosmologist Sir ...
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  • The Long Way Home / Heaven Is in the Sky / I Have Three Heads / Epitaph's Spoon River Anthology

    Spoon River Anthology (1915), by Edgar Lee Masters, is a collection of short free-form poems that collectively describe the life of the fictional small town of ...
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  • Government Surveillance of Dissidents and Civil Liberties in America

    The surveillance state is a government\'s surveillance of large numbers of citizens and visitors. Such widespread surveillance is most usually justified as being ...
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